l6pqvnlc6b5oadnklmajigg1ael.pngNovember, 2016, Saint Charles Borromeo Parish and Academy embarked upon a three year revitalization campaign to assure sustainability for our future. This campaign is three-fold: 1) repopulate and rebrand our school; 2) repair and rebuild our facilities; 3) reinvigorate our faith community to return and rejoice.

On our feast day celebration, Bishop Johnston told us of the tumultuous time in which Charles Borromeo lived and how he had to combine very practical and mundane tasks with a very sacred and divine mission. He responded with vigor and purpose, trusting that God’s Holy Spirit would guide him. Our time and situation mirrors his as we face practical and mundane challenges with energy and excitement: repairing our church roof, replacing school windows, relocating our parish offices, and installing an elevator and gathering space. The total estimated cost is $1.2 million. Meanwhile, our School’s advisory board and sustainability team is proposing ways to enhance our enrollment, and our pastoral staff and parish leaders are addressing means to rejuvenate our faith community according to the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

We invite you to join these abundant efforts by being prayerfully generous to this Saint Charles Borromeo Revitalization Campaign.  Because of a very generous matching challenge gift, every contribution we receive will be doubled up to $500,000. What a blessing! Please help us to attain our goal.

Our church’s firm foundation has been set by our forebears throughout the seventy year history of our community. We will build upon the gift of our ancestors and hand it along to our descendants; as living stones, we look to Christ, the cornerstone of our faith to rebuild, rejuvenate, and revitalize Saint Charles Borromeo Parish. Thank you for your generosity. 




School maintenance and upgrade history:

Built in the late 1950’s, this wing of the school has never been air conditioned and requires replacement of all windows.  The start of our school year began one week later than the surrounding schools to account for the hot summer days still hanging on in September.  Efforts began in 2014 to improve the facility and the health and well-being of our students and staff.

The School Maintenance Upgrade includes:

  • Window replacement on the front and back (N & S sides) of the school
  • New front door with security passage, new foyer and lobby windows to match the new East Wing
  • Substantial East Wing electrical upgrade capable of powering the new HVAC system and future electrical needs
  • Installation of heat pump system throughout the East Wing for heating and cooling – moving the school to an estimated 90%-95% energy efficiency

Phase One of the School Maintenance Upgrade began on June 2, 2014.  Contractors completed work to retrofit our older building with all the necessary infrastructure-electrical circuitry and duct work to accommodate our plans for a modern HVAC climate control system.

Summer, 2015, for the first time in the history of our school, 100% of the school became air conditioned.

In addition, the following have been completed:

  • Replacement of all plumbing and fixtures for both the first and second floor bathrooms
  • Replacement of all lighting throughout the entire school with energy-efficient LED lighting
  • New HVAC system (which replaces the old steam heat boiler system) with forced air to provide air conditioning

Phase Two of the School Maintenance Upgrade was completed in 2017:

  • Window replacement for the front and back of the school (completed in 2016)
  • New foyer and lobby windows to match the new East Wing (completed in 2016)
  • New front door with security passage (completed in 2016)
  • New roof near the North Wing (completed in 2017)

We continue to create fundraising opportunities throughout the school year and beyond to ensure the sustainability of St. Charles Borromeo Academy.  We appreciate your help making these improvements happen.

CLICK HERE to make an online donation.

Or send your donation to:
St. Charles Borromeo Parish Revitalization Campaign
900 NE Shady Lane Drive
Kansas City, MO  64118

*Please make your tax deductible check payable to: St. Charles Borromeo Parish